– The farm is center in the middle of the map and the default vehicles is right across the road from the main farm
– The map has one town with working stop light and the 2 trains in the map and a airport with flying airplanes and a heliocopter
– You have dairy cows, sheep, chickens, pigs, beef, and horses to buy and sell along feeding and watering
– The map has changed over time, put in 3 new gas stations, added a farmer market
– A farm silo for blackeyepea, peanut, sweet potatos red beets sweet corn carrot
– Added kalk/fertilizier silo around the map
– You have sell places for you grain around the map one west end of town you one north west. One north east of town. One south east and the last one south west at the equine stables
– Replace the MapSiloBand with the digital readout display
– The crops are: wheat, barley, canola (rape), maize, soybean, oat, rye, greenwheat, cotton, sunflower, sorghum, sudangrass, alfalfa, clover grass, potato, sugarbeets, sweet corn, peanut, blackeye pea, carrot, red beets, sweet potato, rice, millet and dinkel
Author: jb3pc4sale